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Ask HN: How to stay out of office politics?
2 points by log101 on Jan 5, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
How to stay out of office politics (as a junior):

- Always put your headphones on, at some point they'll get tired shouting at you and ignore

- Do not speak unless you have to, but don't look anti-social either

- Do not comment when the office is talking about a co-worker, it'll bite you

- Do not act weird (golden rule of life), speak, walk and sip your coffee slowly

- Arrive as early as you can, and leave as late as possible, you should OWN the office and shouldn't miss an important event

- Always smile and be kind, they will hesitate to raise their voice

- Smell nice, brush your teeth, they might use your shabbiness as an ad hominem argument

- Don't get too friendly nor too cold, both ways end in regret

Here are the tactics I've developed in my first 6 months. I'd love to hear about yours!

In your one-to-one meeting with your boss, demand that they protect the team from office politics.

Find a different job where your boss is good at shielding their team from office politics.

Sometimes it will be your boss’s boss who should be insulating you from office politics instead.

Not sure if this is irony or not.

"Brush your teeth" is good advice.

I think "smell nice" is pretty under-rated, though I'd suggest the nicest smell is so smell at all

Personally (at a normal work-interaction distance from someone)

Nothing > normal BO > food > cologne

Yeah, but...do besides a very few people actually have problems with that?

Unlike a lot of problems, odors are easy to fix.

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