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[flagged] Twitter brings Elon Musk's genius reputation crashing down to earth (washingtonpost.com)
16 points by VagueMag on Dec 24, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Since I've been bothered by giant centralized social networks like facebook and twitter ever since they rose to wealth and power in the aughts, and have had an interest in the building blocks of an alternative decentralized world during all the time from then to now, I am thrilled to see people moving to the fediverse (mastodon and other similar software). Absolutely thrilled.

Keep going with this Elon. Keep. Going.

The one upside! Let’s hope he can completely destroy Twitter!

In my view, he has already tainted Twitter beyond redemption. Now it's a matter of getting more people to make the switch already. So yeah, that's a lot of people and a lot of inertia keeping them there so it'll take a lot more of this to drive more of them off. So keep going.

Power and fame corrupts. At some point, many will actually start accepting their public personna as fact instead of fabrication.

To be fair, you are a fickle crowd who devour your idols. For what ever you have an apatite you eat and crap out.

One thing we know about genius, they’re socially awkward, sometimes buffoons.

Let us hope our brainiac goes back to space travel and electronic devices.

Stop trying to fix humans Elon, you’re one too.

Personalities aside, I would still bet on the (second) richest man in the world.

To put it in perspective, Henry Ford accepted a medal from literal Hitler. Re-platforming misogynists, racists, and fascists isn't that big a deal by comparison, is it?

In perspective, they look quite similar.

Comparing Elon to Ford is quite a compliment, after all he lifted millions of people out of poverty, including entire swathes of the black southern population who migrated north for the jobs he created.

Well sure, to you they do. But is that not a failure of empathy? Put yourself in the shoes of a libertarian-ish, slightly fashy techbro. On second thought: Ewwww.

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