Hi HN!
Wikiwho is a tool that scans Wikipedia edits and extracts those coming from specific IP ranges associated to known organizations. I've made this as a for-fun side project two years ago.
If you want to read more on how it works I've written a short blog article about it here: https://ailef.tech/2020/04/18/discovering-wikipedia-edits-ma...
I had already posted it here at the time (previous discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22907200) but I've now decided to release the code openly, hence the repost.
If you're insterested, you can check the repo here: https://github.com/aileftech/wikiwho (disclaimer: the code is a bit clumsy).
IPs from the European Parliament editing out connections to Cambridge Analytica from Alex Phillips' (member of the European Parliament) page: http://wikiwho.ailef.tech/diff/584f4588ec12334300a448f39ae4c...