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This isn't primarily about replacing existing software. There are plenty of engineers that argue for continuing to use memory-unsafe programming languages. New projects written in C are being started every day.

This is the exact equivalent of physicians continuing to use unsafe medical procedures, and what's worse, many of those engineers defend their dangerous practices by claiming there is no real danger in the first place if the programmer is "smart enough".

> This isn't primarily about replacing existing software. There are plenty of engineers that argue for continuing to use memory-unsafe programming languages.

> New projects written in C are being started every day.

But it is mostly about existing software, even if its not about replacing existing software. I write C++ code every day. I hate it, and I'd rather not. But I use C++ libraries written by my teammates, and reference implementations in prior C++ work in our past projects, and have a set-up C++ toolchain, and my company even has all sorts of written C++ docs and style guides and linters and macros and ... and ...

Even if we wanted to stop, there's so much extra stuff to consider. I get your point, <<why start a new thing knowing there's a better way?>> and I would want to stop using c++ but most software isn't one-and-done like a surgery. It is a continuous commitment and ongoing operation, it is the tools used, and the knowledge learned, and the libraries built.

> This is the exact equivalent of physicians continuing to use unsafe medical procedures

Plenty of platforms don't support rust. Just because you've improved knee surgery, doesn't mean it works on an elbow... yet. And sometimes you still gotta perform surgery on elbows.

> if the programmer is "smart enough".

Can't defend this, but tbh I've never heard it.

>> This is the exact equivalent of physicians continuing to use unsafe medical procedures

> Plenty of platforms don't support rust. Just because you've improved knee surgery, doesn't mean it works on an elbow... yet. And sometimes you still gotta perform surgery on elbows.

That's a non-argument, obviously if it isn't even applicable it's not a discussion. Also most of what people code on does support Rust

>> if the programmer is "smart enough".

>Can't defend this, but tbh I've never heard it.

Programmer is never smart enough. Decades of bugs showed that

> > if the programmer is "smart enough".

> Can't defend this, but tbh I've never heard it.

Take a look at this comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33824934

> Modern C++ has many memory safety features. If a company has learned that its people fail to use them, then bad for them.

It is a somewhat common attitude in this type of thread.

> take a look at this comment

It’s hacker news. People say all sorts of inflammatory crap here. I discount anything said here, especially in response to an article about said topic.

If my c++ writing coworker shared that opinion with me, or someone at a conference, that’s be different.

> Modern C++ has many memory safety features. If a company has learned that its people fail to use them, then bad for them

I will admit I vaguely agree with this. My company has all sorts of tools that perform basic checks for memory safety and a style guide that is very opinionated. Just because we can’t switch easily doesn’t mean we can’t try to improve as an org.

I don’t avow the belief that any program is truly smart enough/too dumb to make bugs, but I do think the organization maintaining the code has a responsibility to improve. Especially a large organization. Whether that’s better code review processes, automated tooling, or even soft-banning the use of certain unsafe practices.

> It is a somewhat common attitude in this type of thread.

Except the safety features are often a lot easier to use than the original C isms that tend to cause the most issues. So it is less an issue of smart and more one of bad habits. C strings instead of std::string, plain arrays instead of std::vector, implicit ownership instead of smart pointers, ... .

And yet, you can happily have a UAF through a string_view.

This is not about C++ developers using old school C approaches. The language is fundamentally dangerous. There were huge efforts within Chrome to get all memory managed by smart pointers even more powerful than those offered by the standard, and they still have UAFs all the time.

The stats come from Google project(s) - you can be sure that they've used the best practices. If they've failed, rest assured that 90%+ of the rest of the devs will fail, and much worse.

> he stats come from Google project(s) - you can be sure that they've used the best practices

The first Google Style Guide for C++ I ever came across in the wild espoused C with classes, had "standard" in scare quotes and banned most of boost for encouraging functional programming. I almost threw a fit when someone unironically tried to push that POS at work because "Google", it was entirely nonsensical especially given that we made heavy use of boost and math libraries with operator overloading.

> someone unironically tried to push that POS at work because "Google"

Especially since Google has a ton of automated tools to perform tests and analysis on code, and enforces certain behavior before you can merge your code in. Something that is probably missing from a smaller organization that’s simply adopting their style guide. Also probably missing is googles alternative stdlib they use.

I'm one of those people who still write in C, and I like the experience. I've had a lot of fun, and haven't been burned by it, although statistically it's likely that I will be at some point.

I've tried a lot of languages in the past, and am currently not willing to dive into a whole new ecosystem, re-learn all the best practices, and unlearn what's worked very well for me with sometimes no good replacement. Best practice for Rust seems to be to avoid linked lists for example. I don't know what's the safe replacement for memset and memcpy to anonymous data structures (void pointers -- generic code) but I have a sense that it is more painful. The general recommendations seem to be to switch to different, more complicated datastructures with more failure modes, or to put boxes and Arcs around things.

I don't think this fits me - I like the feeling of understanding what I'm doing, and once in a while coming up with something that compiles and runs fast and robustly. If you can do that in Rust, good for you.

Another part is that it still seems easier to interface with existing ecosystems in C. I tried writing some Win32 Rust code once in an evening and I have to admit I failed. Maybe I picked the wrong bindings library or whatever. At this point in my life, I have little patience to spend my time like this.

I appreciate the work that is being done, and I feel it's not unlikely that at some point we all will switch. At this point though I feel I'm way more productive staying in my current habitat. And that's not only on me, but also that the ecosystem and developed practices likely are not quite ready for a complete switch.

Comparing the investment to simply washing hands and putting on gloves or following a checklist as a surgeon feels unfair to me.

Implementing a linked list in Rust is somewhat challenging because of the safety issues that arise. Luckily you don't have to, there's one in the standard library: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/collections/struct.LinkedList....

The equivalent of a generic memcpy is probably something like a .clone() call on a generic type that implements Clone.

> The equivalent of a generic memcpy is probably something like a .clone() call on a generic type that implements Clone.

If you type "memcpy" into the documentation search, rustdoc will point you to

* https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/primitive.slice.html#me...

* https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/intrinsics/fn.copy_nono... (Though it should really point to the reexport at https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/ptr/fn.copy_nonoverlapp... )

The latter will also mention

* https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/ptr/fn.copy.html

> Implementing a linked list in Rust is somewhat challenging because of the safety issues that arise

Implementing linked list in any language that is not memory-safe is challenging because of safety issues. Rust just points it out.

This isn't an intrusively linked list.

Probably not the Clone trait but the Copy trait.

My limited experience with Rust was that I need to know exactly what I want to do in the code and compiler is there to make sure I write that intent as actual code, not my assumptions about how the code will work.

I don't feel that I am less in control, just that all of that needs to be put in code and not just go "okay, I know this part don't need a lock coz I will never call it concurrently" and hope for best.

Even writing for embedded (as in no os, tens of kilobytes of RAM microcontrollers) haven't been too bad althought I haven't managed to convince borrow checker to borrow non-contigous block of bits from a register yet... althought that's what unsafe{} is for after all

> Comparing the investment to simply washing hands and putting on gloves or following a checklist as a surgeon feels unfair to me.

The closer one would be "read that 300 pages of how to do stuff safely and apply it". Once you get into good habits it's not a problem but investment is there

It's not even about languages. Just using valgrind or sth similar as a part of CI would solve A LOT of issues.

> There are plenty of engineers that argue for continuing to use memory-unsafe programming languages

And why do you think it's wrong, per se?

> This is the exact equivalent of physicians continuing to use unsafe medical procedures

You mean with different safety tradeoffs?

Because what you propose is exactly like forcing very expert physicians to switch to a procedure they are novice of and that it's not been battle tested like the old one, that proved to be very effective in most cases.

It's the same reason why patients prefer to be treated with established procedures and to undergo experimental treatments they need to sign a document that proves their informed consent.

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