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> > if the programmer is "smart enough".

> Can't defend this, but tbh I've never heard it.

Take a look at this comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33824934

> Modern C++ has many memory safety features. If a company has learned that its people fail to use them, then bad for them.

It is a somewhat common attitude in this type of thread.

> take a look at this comment

It’s hacker news. People say all sorts of inflammatory crap here. I discount anything said here, especially in response to an article about said topic.

If my c++ writing coworker shared that opinion with me, or someone at a conference, that’s be different.

> Modern C++ has many memory safety features. If a company has learned that its people fail to use them, then bad for them

I will admit I vaguely agree with this. My company has all sorts of tools that perform basic checks for memory safety and a style guide that is very opinionated. Just because we can’t switch easily doesn’t mean we can’t try to improve as an org.

I don’t avow the belief that any program is truly smart enough/too dumb to make bugs, but I do think the organization maintaining the code has a responsibility to improve. Especially a large organization. Whether that’s better code review processes, automated tooling, or even soft-banning the use of certain unsafe practices.

> It is a somewhat common attitude in this type of thread.

Except the safety features are often a lot easier to use than the original C isms that tend to cause the most issues. So it is less an issue of smart and more one of bad habits. C strings instead of std::string, plain arrays instead of std::vector, implicit ownership instead of smart pointers, ... .

And yet, you can happily have a UAF through a string_view.

This is not about C++ developers using old school C approaches. The language is fundamentally dangerous. There were huge efforts within Chrome to get all memory managed by smart pointers even more powerful than those offered by the standard, and they still have UAFs all the time.

The stats come from Google project(s) - you can be sure that they've used the best practices. If they've failed, rest assured that 90%+ of the rest of the devs will fail, and much worse.

> he stats come from Google project(s) - you can be sure that they've used the best practices

The first Google Style Guide for C++ I ever came across in the wild espoused C with classes, had "standard" in scare quotes and banned most of boost for encouraging functional programming. I almost threw a fit when someone unironically tried to push that POS at work because "Google", it was entirely nonsensical especially given that we made heavy use of boost and math libraries with operator overloading.

> someone unironically tried to push that POS at work because "Google"

Especially since Google has a ton of automated tools to perform tests and analysis on code, and enforces certain behavior before you can merge your code in. Something that is probably missing from a smaller organization that’s simply adopting their style guide. Also probably missing is googles alternative stdlib they use.

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