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My complaint is that plumbers frequently do poor work for the money.

We had some come and install an instant water heater and they cut an ugly hole in the side of the house without much thought.

At one office I worked in they called Roto-Rooter (a non-union franchise that is likely to wreck your pipes and require a call to the union plumbers afterwards) who claimed that we'd flushed a condom down the drain (very hard to believe) and wrecked the pipes so we had to call the union plumber.

Another time the sink wasn't running so we called the union plumbers, they unscrewed the aerator from the faucet, saw some crud come out and the water run and left in triumph, sure of their ability to outthink a group of mere computer nerds.

Us computer nerds were sitting at the faucet immediately after that, running it and talking about it. The now aerator free faucet clogged up again within 2 minutes of the plumbers leaving.

> My complaint is that plumbers frequently do poor work for the money.

Considering the quality of many expensive website and software implementations I've been required to use throughout the years at various jobs, this problem is not unique to plumbers.

> My complaint is that plumbers frequently do poor work for the money.

Hehe - now you can feel like an IT customer. I think most people feel the same about IT but the domain is just more wide and prone to excuses.

people feel that way about stuff they have to pay for, generally.

No, I've never felt that way about a union electrician or generic handymen.

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