> Don't spread your legs if you don't want a baby (abstinence). Don't have sex without a condom. Switch to oral, when the guy is close to finishing. Just do oral to not risk even that. Only have sex with people and at time you want to have a baby with/at.
This is like listening to an anti-abortionist.
But after people fail to do this, we give women an option to get out of a few decades of responsibility and financial burden, and men should have that right too.
> Weird that this is framed adversarially (men vs women) when it doesn’t have to
If women decide to either take a planB or or get pregnant and give birth to a baby, why should a man cary the financial consequences of that decision?
> In procreation men are involved, but women are committed
How? Women can get a pill or abort, men are commited to pay for 20+ years of something they didn't want.
> Do your part - don’t leave it to chance
So, would you tell women this? "You don't need abortions, just do you part, don't leave it to chance! Pull out, condoms, and double condoms!"? Also, double condoms are outright dangerous, so is pulling out.
> Be a man, take full ownership of your own financial future
Yes, this is the idea... you didn't want a kid, a mistake happened, you need a way out too. With modern medicine and some quick action, having a baby or not has become a fully womans choice.
And there are cases, where you don't even need to have sex to be forced to pay child support:
So, by your logic, we can forbid non-medical and non-rape abortions for women, becase if they just don't let men cum inside them, they won't have any problems with unwanted kids?
This is like listening to an anti-abortionist.
But after people fail to do this, we give women an option to get out of a few decades of responsibility and financial burden, and men should have that right too.