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Yeah, I think they are slowly coming round to being destigmatised, I would say primarily because of the pros in several sports coming out and talking about them openly on YouTube, movie stars starting to open up, and then high profile people like Joe Rogan being open about his TRT usage. I think there is a wide spread acknowledgement that the majority of high profile men with jacked physiques are doing or have done something, particularly if they look very striated. I don’t think that wide spread awareness was there in the mid 00s or even the early 2010s.

Aside from it being more out in the open, the other main thing that is making me consider it is finding out about the scientific study that showed someone taking steroids doing absolutely no training puts on more muscle mass than someone natural doing very heavy training. It kind of just made me feel like training natural was pointless if the steroids gave such a massive advantage. Kind of like playing an FPS and everyone is using auto assist. It may not be right, but if everyone is doing it and it’s become the new accepted normal then you pretty much have to follow suit otherwise you’re just going to get left behind.

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