This list is currently far more comprehensive, and it's filled with a lot of high-quality crates for a wide variety of common tasks.
I would like to see this list transformed into a navigable website. It'd also be nice to include code samples (eg. I recently had to investigate each test mocking library directly, and a high level summary or comparison would have helped).
Awesome Rust doesn't solve the problem this page sets out to solve. Rust has a tiny standard library, and (many would say) there needs to be a de facto consensus on the best mainstream libraries to solve "the rest of it" --- serialization, error handling, logging, &c.
An "Awesome" list can help you find 6 different very interesting libraries for each of those problems, but that's not solving the big problem, because everyone will pick a different library; without a consensus pick, some of those libraries can lose momentum, which is a problem 2 years down the road when the maintainer packs up shop.
What you'd want, if you're the audience for this page, is just a list of straight-up "use this library" picks, in the hopes that those libraries will be stable and maintained indefinitely, and will develop supportive communities.
The problem with awesome-?? sites is that they list 18 error libs without actually stating which one is has the most use by high profile projects or some other "recommended" metric.
Github search is much better for finding quality libraries as you can filter by star count, age, recency, last commit, and see fork numbers. It's not perfect, but generally cuts the work down significantly and then you can finish evaluation the projects by clicking through to read the stats of each one.
Indeed, or listing quite a few clearly abandoned projects. Awesome for learning perhaps, but depending on the case... perhaps not something I'd readily suggest using
The Wayland list comes to mind, while I don't have any specific examples
This list is currently far more comprehensive, and it's filled with a lot of high-quality crates for a wide variety of common tasks.
I would like to see this list transformed into a navigable website. It'd also be nice to include code samples (eg. I recently had to investigate each test mocking library directly, and a high level summary or comparison would have helped).