I've been looking for contract work for the past couple months, and it's been dire. All the job boards are looking for full time employees, and on Hacker News the only recommendation is Toptal.
Is there really no other platform for decently paid contract work that's not a complete race to the bottom? I find I'm close to having to abandon 10 years of consulting because I have no idea where to find anything else than full-time employment.
The other two job boards I've been keeping an eye on are mostly about React and other frontend roles, with offers few and far between. Linkedin is similarly dire for contract work.
Is Toptal the only option for someone with 16 years experience that wouldn't want to work for peanuts? Or just going back to being an employee?
(In case anyone's reading that's looking for a senior Elixir/Rust/Go engineer/sysadmin, resume's in my profile. I'm based in London.)
EDIT: excellent responses so far, thanks. I like how many are suggesting going through recruiters, while the common motif on other similar posts is to avoid LinkedIn. I've started cleaning up my Linkedin profile this week, and I already have a dozen recruiters setting up appointments with me. I will try and explicitly request contract jobs with them.
I clearly remember these folks. They acted in almost exactly the same way as literary or artist agents; searching out opportunities for their clients, and setting up interviews, etc. As a hiring manager, I dealt with them frequently, and had friends that used them.
They used to make a lot of money, because they would charge a percentage of the rate they negotiated for you.
Nowadays, it looks like they have been replaced by "race to the bottom" sites, like Upwork, or these contract companies, that hire you at a fairly low rate, and shop you out for very high rates. You get to "enjoy" the crappy treatment most companies give to contractors, but at rates lower than the employees that sit next to you, shooting spitballs at you.
I encountered this, when working with recruiters, after leaving my last company. The ones that didn't immediately hang up on me, after finding out I was older, started trying to lowball me into being one of their contract shop employees. They would love telling me that I shouldn't ask for too much, "because of my age," before "generously" mentioning that they happen to have a contract shop that would be willing to do me the huge favor of "throwing some work at me."
It's a real slime-pit, these days.