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[flagged] GitHub Down?
13 points by isusmelj on Sept 14, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
GitHub feels very slow and some of the actions are down. Any insights?

They've been having frequent issues since the start of September (according to my uptime monitoring anyway): https://github.onlineornot.com/

GitHub has been unreliable for two years straight. So unreliable that it is better to self-host, instead of using GitHub which I have predicted years ago. [0]

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22867803

Almost like Microsoft buying them is related

So it seems that going all in on GitHub is not really a good idea as I said before. Last time this happened was 6 days ago. [0].

Looks like it's quite clear that you would get better uptime self-hosting yourself than using GitHub just like what wireguard, Wine, and even smaller project like RedoxOS.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32752965

Yup, getting random 500s and unicorns once again while trying to do work :/

That kinda right

Just curious why people feel the need to use up HN entries to query if some service is down? Is it for attention? Surely there must be better avenues to query and monitor such information instead of spamming a whole reader audience on the matter?

Official uptime did not mention any issues. Our team is mostly in Europe. Asking the crowd here seems the most simple and reliable way to figure out if this is a real problem outside of our control and whether there might be a workaround.

I don't get why so many services have an uptime service which does not help at all. Why even adding one?

Why not take to twitter or https://old.reddit.com/r/github/ then? I understand posting here if you wanted to curry a meaningful discussion about Github or it's stability but a spam topic "GitHub Down" seems to have quite limited value add to a news board like HN IMO.

FWIW, I think it is ok to post here if a service so central to the software community is having issues repeatedly, and does not properly explain why. This is where you can expect a balanced discussion.

The other services you mention is so bloated with toxic and/or "humeros" material that I hardly ever use them. And besides, why not let the algorithm here decide what to put on the front page? Shaming people for posting (in your viéw) irrelevant material seem to go against the spirit of HN IMO.

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