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Nah it’s an off grey. Purple needs to be more saturated and darker than this. It’s not just about hue. Clearly who am I to disagree with Pantone, but fuck Pantone on this particular issue I am a man on the internet and this excuse for a Color offends me

It's a violet, not a purple technically. Purples tend to be bolder, and have a closer 1:1 Red to Blue mix; while Violets are more Blue, and often softer.

You may also be a bit colorblind. Not everyone sees color the same, even among the population who is not diagnosed colorblind. Determining color is also a skill akin to tones in music. It's a combination of skill and innate ability to determine them.

Are you using a calibrated monitor and if so what color temperature and brightness did you calibrate to ? I can imagine if you calibrate to a colder color temp, which is more blueish, it might appear grey, or if you calibrated to a higher brightness it might also look more washed out.

I have mine calibrated to 6500k and 120cd/m2 and it looks very purple to me.

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