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How realistic are anonymous abortions?
4 points by flerovium on July 21, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
There are many articles about efforts to prevent the discovery of abortions in states where they are illegal. When I read them, I wonder why writers think it is possible to remain anonymous in 2022. The attack surface seems wildly large:

- Phone geolocation

- Payments

- Text messages

- Web history

- Public security cameras

- Biological tests to determine past pregnancy

Some specific pitfalls:

1. How does one secure one's browsing history? One need take many, many steps these days, and even then, it is rarely secure.

2. How is one to complete a payment online anonymously?

3. Do parcel shipping companies intend to resist court orders mandating disclosure of sender/recipient addresses ("outside the envelope")?

4. How does one travel on a US highway without leaving a record via security cameras?

There are better and worse security practices, but I don't see how a truly determined adversary can fail to discover abortions. And the attacker seems determined.

It suggests the only way to make abortions undiscoverable is to completely rethink our privacy regime.

Some people require medical care after using that drug, which means they'd lose the anonymity if they sought it.

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