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Eating is often a drag. You have to set aside time, you might get heartburn, you have to suppress burps, you might get a buildup of muckus in your throat that you have to lightly cough away. If I feel lethargic I often feel better just drinking some lemon water.

I’m often irritable anyway. Eating doesn’t help unless I have low blood sugar to the point of being fatigued. It often makes it worse.

> you might get heartburn, you have to suppress burps, you might get a buildup of muckus in your throat that you have to lightly cough away.

What on earth are you eating?

I think parent has reached another level of enlightenment. They are right! Eating maybe cause all of these things and for some people eating is just a chore.

I wish I was like that. I love eating though and I also enjoy a few more bodily functions!

Imagine experiencing such sour grapes over someone expressing a different opinion (on a subjective topic) that you sarcastically call them enlightened. Maybe this “hangry” concept isn’t just some dumb zoomer slang, indeed.

I wasn't being sarcastic at all

If there are no other illness, heartburn / reflux, burps, stomach rumbling, stomach pain etc. is all quite common if you regularly eat outside. Taste sells, so food in restaurant use copious amounts of oil / butter, sugar, salt, refined flour, MSG, etc. all of which are unhealthy when consumed in quantity and regularly. Eating home-cooked food really makes a difference to your gut health.

Also, parent could research into their intolerance. E.g milk, gluten etc could easily cause these, and cutting them (mostly) out might be an easy fix.

A lunch for me could either be a salad from the grocery store or raw broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, almonds, and maybe one of hard-boiled eggs/canned ham/cheese.

That sounds healthy except perhaps for the canned ham, if it is processed; diary products like cheese can cause bloating, pain, flatulence etc. if you are lactose intolerance (according to this article - https://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/foods-that-c... - Broccoli and carrot can also gas, but not a real cause for concern with healthy foods like these). Apart from that you still face the common issue of hygiene and when the food was prepared. When eating out, we don't know what goes in the kitchen where the food is prepared and can only make a best guess that the food is handled hygienically in a clean environment. So that's out of our hand. But in grocery stores, we can certainly keep an eye out for the date / time the food was prepared and try to buy it "fresh". Foods that are kept out for long or not stored properly in the right temperature do undergo change (fermentation for e.g.) and that can also affect our tummy.

None of the foods you mentioned causes that. Nor does eating outside. Not to a healthy person.

I said they are unhealthy when eaten regularly in the quantity that restaurants use. That, and the fact that restaurants (even the good ones) sometimes serve leftovers often cause these issues. (And a healthy person won't remain healthy for long if they eat regularly eat unhealthy food from restaurants).

Crushed apple seeds.

This is certainly not the norm. Although having to cook/buy/think about food is annoying, the overwhelming majority of people I know love eating. The rest are mainly apathetic (target market for Soylent and similar products), I don't think anyone I know actively hates eating, with the caveat that several have to exclude certain foods for various reasons.

I said it’s sometimes a drag and you said actively hates -- well done.

Change hates -> drags and it'd still be the same meaning just less strong. I know many people who hate meal prep but that's totally separate from the actual act of eating which is absolutely not seen as a 'drag' by most people.

Change lovees -> like and it’d still be the same meaning just less strong.

> by most people.

Uhuh. Who cares. This is my subjective opinion only. Yet more invention of stuff that was never said.

It's a basic human drive so if you've grown up with a negative experience that you've generalised unknowingly to something that should be pleasurable, you should know that, since recognising it will hopefully lead to a fix. The reason to care is because you have to eat, so it's preferable to enjoy it rather than not.

You’ve misunderstood the degree to which I find eating to be inconvenient. It is merely that: at times inconvenient. I have a good appetite and am more likely to gain excess weight as opposed to losing weight due to not being motivated to eat.

It sounds like you're over-eating. Eat smaller meals and those symptoms will almost certainly go away.

I have had heart-burn since my teens and I have never considered -- nor ever just done by happenstance -- eating smaller meals. Thanks for the tip.

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