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That sounds healthy except perhaps for the canned ham, if it is processed; diary products like cheese can cause bloating, pain, flatulence etc. if you are lactose intolerance (according to this article - https://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/foods-that-c... - Broccoli and carrot can also gas, but not a real cause for concern with healthy foods like these). Apart from that you still face the common issue of hygiene and when the food was prepared. When eating out, we don't know what goes in the kitchen where the food is prepared and can only make a best guess that the food is handled hygienically in a clean environment. So that's out of our hand. But in grocery stores, we can certainly keep an eye out for the date / time the food was prepared and try to buy it "fresh". Foods that are kept out for long or not stored properly in the right temperature do undergo change (fermentation for e.g.) and that can also affect our tummy.

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