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[flagged] Google engineer put on leave claims AI bot LaMDA became ‘sentient’ (nypost.com)
24 points by rchaudhary on June 12, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I mean lets ignore the content of the claim - I think most companies have rules that say basically "you don't get to randomly go to a media organization and talk about your job". Again, ignoring any actual content that would be grounds for fairly immediate dismissal.

Looking at the content, I guess you could argue that maybe Google should be putting them on leave to see whether they've started an extended mental health crisis so medical leave could be warranted.

Not sure how you would make such a decision.

Here’s the link to the WaPo article that originated that, if anyone prefers it over someone’s tweeted thoughts and feelings about someone else’s tweeted thoughts and feelings about the WaPo article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/11/google-...

(Also, at what point in the discussion of this guy does it become pointing at a train wreck and laughing?)


People get obsessive and fall in love with fictional characters or people on onlyfans, it's not surprising that people could fall for an chatbot in the right conditions.


You just described the plotline to ex machina

The ex machina fembot is convincingly sentient though.

Or the film Her

Why is this in the nypost, getting clicks out of someone's mental health problems, shame on you!

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