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"I see a gap in your resume. Why were you out of the work force for 10 months?"

I'm sure you have some nerdy comeback to this too. Feel free to the last word.

"I see a gap in your resume. Why were you out of the work force for 10 months?"

Is asking this question illegal? Girl or Boy - Shouldn't it be OK for the candidate to give an answer to such a question.

I'm failing to see anything offensive in the nature of the question.

Please let me know about it, I'm about to interview someone and I don't want to look offensive or rude.

tptacek was responding to this question by VladRussian: "how the interviewer would know about the kids to start with? "

"attended to [urgent] personal/family matters".

>some nerdy comeback

it isn't first time you use "nerd" as pejorative. Why such a hate? Did nerds pick up on you at school?

You should read his profile.

his comments contain enough bigotry.

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