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To Reject Bigotry, Libertarians Should Become Neoliberals (liberalcurrents.com)
3 points by dgellow on June 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Ah yes, the (mostly) free-market. I also like (mostly) democratic elections and (mostly) free speech. As long as I'm in control of the (mostly).

I think the whole taxes are just thing is kind of a sticking point. Just saying. The article doesn’t really address the moral basis for taxation at all.

what a bullshit article. After a lifetime of being a liberal democrat, 1 1/2 years ago I switched to the libertarian party, mostly for their anti-war stance.

I have been reading modern libertarian literature and listened to libertarian talks, and I have not encountered any bigoted or racist material.

That said, we are a diverse group, like democrats and republicans so there are certainly outliers, people with bad views of society, in any party.

> what a bullshit article.

It seems like it provides sources for its claims?

It's good that your personal experience has been free from that, though.

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