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A concise summary of software concepts (john-pfeiffer.com)
45 points by frogger8 on June 2, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Would be curious if anyone comments on the (quality) of organization/chosen topics on the page.

It’s a nice yet non comprehensive list and includes many non software specific (yet useful) topics.

Concepts that imho are missing from any “list of software concepts”

- exponential backoff

- circuit breaker

- jitter

- gossip algorithms

- consistent hashing

- paxos consensus algorithm

- two phase commit

- map reduce




- Goodhart's law

And the list goes on

Yeah I'm just curious of an ideal hierarchy/organization if it's even possible to bridge them all together in a way that expands further.

For ex:

- software design patterns

  - Cr

    - factory

  - Be

  - ...
Anyway what you posted above are more terms I need to look into. Including the ones in OP.

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