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This is no doubt compounded by the very justified anger of disadvantaged groups. It means women, people of color et al often make enemies unnecessarily from people who might well be inclined to be their allies.

And the beat goes on. Same as it ever was.

I've also been felt alienated a lot of times by women fighting for feminism and what some of them has come up with, like womxn, all men are dicks etc. but then I think it takes a bit of mental resilience to understand that it's the most noisy part of a group of people who suffer and is exploited and needs to be supported. On the other hand I think most of the battle might even be shared in terms of interests, I got today a good example about it as in Italy today have made news the words of female stylist saying something along the lines of "I won't hire women younger than 40 as they won't be available 24/7 and would need time off to enjoy friends and family, build families and they would also maybe need time off if they get pregnant, sometimes we forget that the battles are between business owners and workers, properties owners and tenants... and that increasing the salary of one doesn't necessarily means lowering it for another as I think business owners don't reditribute the value created by workers bust most of it is stolen, pocketed and results in yacht, luxury and properties, like business owners are the common enemy we need to fight not each other

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