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It depends on what "graduate" means (I note your "scare quotes"). For some people, lexical styles matter a lot and it is easier to answer this question with that kind of constraint.

While its ecosystem is surely much smaller than even Julia's, Nim [1] has a lot of the concise, lexical feel of Python, but semantics more like Modula3/Ada and with Lisp-like syntax macros/metaprogramming to fill in other gaps.

Another possibility is Cython [2] which is basically a superset of Python with gradual typing..more targeted at writing new C-like Python modules/leveraging the Python runtime environment than "standing on its own".

[1] https://nim-lang.org/

[2] https://cython.org/

Python has PyPi and numba. PyPi is good for branchy things like RDF triple stores, business rules engines, etc.

CPython (and most other interpreters) has the big problem of the global interpreter lock which prevents it from taking advantage of threads... And that's a problem in a world where (1) 8-core laptops are common, (2) much bigger machines can be found in the server room and (3) many workloads can be parallelized over threads with just a little work.

Cython lets you do `with nogil`. That said, often processes with communication are enough to leverage multi-core with no global interpreter lock (GIL). CPython's pickling junk for its multiprocessing library can add a lot of overhead to that, though. A simpler pure binary version of multiprocessing could lower that overhead enough to make multiprocessing competitive with multithread unless inputs/outputs are really big (in which case tossing them in files and passing around pathnames is a not crazy fallback...). (EDIT: In the Linux kernel processes and threads are both just created by a system call named "clone" with various sharing flags. Threads are just processes with very unsafe settings - settings that many prog.langs think they can "tame well enough".)

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