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Mid-senior level, so I guess you're about 75 years old? JK. I'm not sure what that means in context, but here are some tips for impostor syndrome in general:

1. Re-label it as many ways as you can. Write down when and how it shows up for you, and use that information to describe the term using different words (i.e. don't use "impostor" or "syndrome"). This can sometimes automatically suggest new ways to tackle the problem.

2. Note its comings and goings. When is it most severe? When is it less noticeable? These questions can help you to understand more about yourself and find new ways of getting control over it.

3. Expectations management through objectivity: Write down what you expect of yourself, in the most optimistic case. Then ask others what is literally expected of you. Sometimes it's a good idea to reverse the challenge on yourself, for example if a C grade is minimally required, then aim for a C instead of an A.

Just some ideas from coaching people through such situations. Good luck.

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