I made macOCR[1], it is an app that I used for years to make office work easier.
It is a command line app that enables you to turn any text on your screen into text on your clipboard. When you envoke the ocr command, a "screen capture" like cursor is shown. Any text within the bounds will be converted to text.
You could invoke the app using the likes of Alfred.app, LaunchBar, Hammerspoon, Quicksilver, Raycast etc.
I only released it to the world when I swapped the backend out from being Google Vision to Apple's built-in OCR APIs.
I also made a "life management" app marcusOS [2], that does all the usual things you'd expect.
It is a command line app that enables you to turn any text on your screen into text on your clipboard. When you envoke the ocr command, a "screen capture" like cursor is shown. Any text within the bounds will be converted to text.
You could invoke the app using the likes of Alfred.app, LaunchBar, Hammerspoon, Quicksilver, Raycast etc.
I only released it to the world when I swapped the backend out from being Google Vision to Apple's built-in OCR APIs.
I also made a "life management" app marcusOS [2], that does all the usual things you'd expect.
[1] https://github.com/schappim/macOCR
[2] https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/cdn.amplifier.app/Sh...