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Sure! It is very rudimentary and some values are still hardcoded, but I could do bit of clean-up and then upload it.

EDIT: Here it is – https://github.com/flobosg/journalert

Thanks! On the fence about whether to use as an excuse to try something small in python for the second time in my life... or just steal the idea and pretty much copy it line by line into something my non-programmer mind will find easier (php). Though maybe it'll be so simple to run and not need future tweaking that it won't even force me into learning by keeping it in python.

Though also, I was hoping for the interesting sources too :P

The sources are not that special, but I will post them here anyway. They lean towards biochemistry, bioinformatics and structural biology:

  feeds = ("http://feeds.nature.com/nbt/rss/current",
  no_pubdate = ("http://rss.sciencedirect.com/publication/science/09581669",
Most academic journals have RSS feeds, so it should be easier to find ones that fit your interests.

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