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I was also thinking about the same. I work in Germany, non FAANG, so the salaries are lower. I started one year ago.

With the very high inflation numbers, I can't stop thinking that I learned a lot of things, I'm more effective, yet, I get paid less and less. Due to churn and team growth, I also count as one of the people who have been here "long enough" to have context of different things.

My salary today, adjusted for inflation, is significantly lower than when I started.

The company is okay, I work from home most of the time, I go to the office maybe one a month? The main reason I plan to stay until the end of the year is that I got a 50 day holiday (that I'm not sure I could get anywhere else, most places in Germany offer in the range of 25-30). We also have a 10% time for self improvement (learn anything you want).

Lots of people ask about inflation and salary, and they want a raise. The company is delaying discussions about compensations, but I assume we won't get even inflation rate increase.

This forces me to re-evaluate whether I can afford to stay any longer, as other companies offer a better salary.

My current plan is to use some part of the holidays, and the company's self improvement time this year to upskill and leave at the end of the year if I can't get my salary back to market rate.

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