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I saw the ads and it definitely was ambiguous whether builder.ai and AI were working together or not. Looks like Builder.ai is simply trying to cash in on the buzz around the Tata group taking over Air India.

Otoh, AI threatening legal action gives too much weight to a dumbass ad campaign. They should have trotted out a spokesperson to poke fun at a unsolicited gift saying they’re returning it to sender.

have you actually seen the ad?

they're pretending there is partnership between them and Air India but there is none

then they use Air India trademarks for their own advertisement

then they start a contest on behalf of Air India

imho, they definitely should be getting sued

The notice of the legal action [1]. AI seems to have a fair concern - risk of data theft.


Trademarks are use it, protect it, or lose it. AI not acting on blatant trademark infringement might see them losing their trademarks.

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