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Is it time to revive the Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web? (benwerd.com)
8 points by benwerd on Sept 25, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Yes it very important bur I doubt that it will be happening soon. Google and Facebook are fighting, the two biggest players and this is the time to act and demanding a special attention on whats going on! Data is getting available to everyone and people need a strong support to understand and feel protected.

This is a conversation that we desperately need to continue.

I like what the author has done, but I think there are three parts here:

- The Data

- The Wire

- The Processing

I think any rethink of rights will have to address each of these. The key shift in thinking here is to realize that computers are extensions of our minds. In this respect they are nothing like a CD-player, radio, telephone, or any other metaphor the legal system currently uses. To answer this, we're going to need to ask ourselves the question "If we could get inside anybody's mind and see exactly what they are thinking all of the time, what new rules do we need to both hold society together and keep the creative chaos going?"

We really need to fix this. Can't emphasize that enough.

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