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>basically impossible to talk to someone and get your account unblocked

Not sure it would even matter. I once submitted a breaking news story to /r/news and it was autodeleted by their bot. I messaged a mod asking why it was deleted since it was in fact news and was not a duplicate and their response was to tell me I'm stupid and to permaban me from the sub.

These are completely different issues. I was talking about a network-wide ban performed automatically by Reddit server-side anti-spam mechanisms, it's not about the internal policies or moderations (whether auto or manual) of a specific subreddit.

I've had this happen. The top post on /r/worldnews was an Israeli "attack on Gaza", with no mention of the rocket attack on Israel an hour prior. I posted a link to a site - an English-language Arabic news site, mind you - that stated that the Israeli "attack on Gaza" was a precision strike against the military target that fired rockets at Israel earlier in the day.

My submission was deleted, my account was banned from the sub.

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