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It's the strategy of all the major social players.

Several months ago I followed a new cardistry (look it up) personality on Instagram. I scrolled through and "liked" one or two dozen of their performance clips, out of the hundreds that they've posted. My Instagram account was blocked, for "manipulation" or some verbiage like that. Basically, the algorithm thought that I was a bot hired to inflate that person's numbers.

The Instagram appeals process is to email them a selfie, holding a piece of paper with the current date and something else written on it. I did this, but never got any kind of response. My Instagram account that I had for 5-10 years is just gone.

Turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I created a new account attached to the same phone and email address (somehow THIS isn't detected as abuse?). But I just lost interest in the app, and life seems to be better now for having done so. If Reddit ever nukes me, then it would be the kick in the ass that I need to stop wasting time on that toxic site as well.

>The Instagram appeals process is to email them a selfie, holding a piece of paper with the current date and something else written on it.

Do they also ask you to put a shoe on your head?

No … Instagram is a .com domain so you don’t need to head-shoe (at least, not in the US …)

wait... does any domain registrar ask that user's prove themselves with the shoe on head method?

I believe it's just a reference to 4chan, where asking someone to post a shoe-on-head for verification was a meme, being a .org domain.

Delete your email address from your profile. That got my ten year account banned.

Sounds like something someone who's going to sell their account would do.

"Using encryption, sounds like something a criminal would do." Yes, that is what this sounds like.

iI have another idea why Reddit does not like VPN. They cannot monetize your data as easily.

I was answering the unasked question of why Reddit would care if someone removed the email address associated with their account.

Using a proxy or VPN also sounds like things a spammer would do, and this is also why Reddit would care and autoban these accounts. But the point of this thread is that, these anti-spam mechanisms always cause collateral damages (like some of us in this thread) and the experience can get really frustrating when that happens.

I deleted it after verification because I wanted to remain anon. Thirteen years ago.

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