That simply doesn't work for me. Regardless of what options I set, about 60% of the time, if I'm talking on an iphone with airpod pros, and I walk within a few feet of my mac (which does have a connection to the airpods), it will switch from the phone while I'm talking and... there's no reliable way to get that back. In the phone app, clicking 'airpods'... is slow as molasses and sometimes shows them as connected again, but... no sound. Speaker works - the call is still ongoing. If I walk far enough away, sometimes it will reconnect, but not usually. The only near reliable way is to disconnect the airpods in the bluetooth menu, then wait, then reconnect. This is annoying as hell for the person on the call to have to sit through.
Yeah, sorry Apple support... I've only got the ios 15.x from a couple weeks ago. No doubt upgrading to the very latest will definitely solve all extant problems, everything will magically 'just work' and there will be absolutely no new problems introduced. /s
When I describe this to some Apple store folks (2x last fall), they seemed 'shocked' (couldn't tell if it was fake or not). "Wow, never heard of that - no one's ever told me that before, that doesn't seem right. We have some training classes next week you can sign up for".
In case you don’t know this, since it isn’t obvious, you have to set them not to automatically connect on each device they are paired to. And if you unpair and re-pair them you have to do it again. This is annoying but not as annoying as auto-pairing.
I hope it works for the parent, but in my case even that doesn't work. Whatever extra protocol or other crap they introduced with this "automatic switching" feature is garbage and worsens the experience even if you disable the new functionality. The audio menu and connection/disconnection being slow as molasses is a new thing introduced by this change.
Options are "automatically" and "when last connected to thi..."
These don't even make sense as options, imo.
What I think they're meaning is "automatically connect..." and the options are "automatically" and "when last connected". But.. if the software is broken, and it 'magically' connects when I don't want it to, then that will be the last time it connected anyway.
“When last connected” is supposed to mean “if this phone is the last thing they were connected to when they were put away last time, connect to this phone when they are taken back out.” “Never” in that context would mean each time you put them in, you would have to go to your device and manually connect.
Of course if that’s not working, that’s a problem, but conceptually I think the options make sense.