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DuckDuckGo Working on Privacy-Focused Desktop Browser for Mac (macrumors.com)
28 points by amichail on Dec 21, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Search engine owned browsers make me very suspicious, the incentive to act against user interest is too high.

Do you want to expand?

The main reason to make a search engine Browser is because browsers, and specially Chrome are very aggressive against search engine extentions (chrome insists in warning users their search engine changed). Also, search engines pay a fat share of revenue to browser vendors in "default search engine" partnerships.

Yeah, no thanks. The android browser is garbage, and has a few pretty critical security bugs marked as "wontfix"

I certainly hope they would use a Firefox basis rather than another Chromium based crap-ware.

If you just opened the article, you would have read that it uses the system-provided engine, so WebKit for MacOS and eventually Microsoft-flavoured Chromium for Windows. Imho they shouldn’t waste resources on a product that no one asked in an already competitive market since they’re not adding anything new.

I wonder how long it will last before Apple labels it as malware, then blocks and uninstalls it by force.

Remind me when Apple has previously done that for an application on macOS.

Woah... My bad! I read Mac but for some reason thought of the iPhone, in which unless things have changed, Apple doesn't allow any browser that isn't built around their technology. Too late to delete the post, unfortunately. Apologies.

Zoom comes to mind, but it was legit malware too.

I want an answer in picosecond

you mean like Vivaldi?

Vivaldi is only Chromium based though.

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