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Stop caring, and do the job you want to have as much as you can.

I'm assuming you have things in mind for the job you want. Do the bare minimum for what you're assigned, then volunteer to do the parts you actually want to do. Even if they're going to get thrown out or not implemented, at least you get to work on something you like and get a new resume bullet.

By feeling like you're getting some form of professional advancement, you might hate every day a little less.

"Do the bare minimum for what you're assigned, then volunteer to do the parts you actually want to do."

I've done this and they punished me for it. They want you to be doing a lot of regular stuff and they don't care about the extra.

I guess my follow-up would be “How much worse is your job when they’re trying to punish you and you get to do what you want, versus when they’re just normally terrible and you hate what you do”.

As well, it’s worth checking how their feedback mechanisms work for how they know what you’re doing, and then making adjustments to your working style to give the right signals while doing better work.

While applying for new jobs, because it’s clearly a bad situation.

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