When you need to write some program that calculates and shows something quick you probably write some console program in whatever language.
But what do you personally do, when you need a quick program that needs to draw some arbitrary graphics?
What languages and libraries do you use to draw something quick to see it, save it or animate it without a hassle?
LaTeX PGF/TikZ for complicated diagrams.
Lines and boxes drawn with ASCII symbols (e.g., +, -, |, <, >, ^, v, /, \, ', `, etc.) using Emacs for very simple diagrams.
PGF/TikZ has considerable learning curve, so it may seem like a hassle in the initial days of learning to use it. But after mastering it once, one can unlock a lot of power and flexibility that comes with it. The PGF/TikZ manual at http://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf is really worth seeing. This manual, which is itself designed using PGF/TikZ, is a masterpiece!