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Controlling the terminal with Common Lisp (2020) (turtleware.eu)
91 points by winkywooster on Oct 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Lots of great articles about Common Lisp on that site: https://turtleware.eu/

The second part of the article was submitted about a year ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23576447


Wow, mouse-over the Lisp code in this article. The coloring of nested expressions is awesome. I wish my editor could do that.

I noticed something similar recently in the GNU Guix docs, try mousing over the S-expressions


Your editor probably can do that! Emacs and VSCode at least both can. Search for 'rainbow blocks' or 'rainbow parens' or 'rainbow delimiters' extensions.

You can also click the functions to jump to definition (they are not only colored, they are also hyperlinks!)

that is cute, next thing you know and it will launch a guile.js repl to run sandboxed tutorials

This is the standard coloring that comes with Coleslaw which is a Jekyll alternative written in common lisp: https://github.com/coleslaw-org/coleslaw. I believe the website is using that or at least it uses one of his default themes.

Just adding tapping on it does the same in Firefox on iOS

Something like an auto-select of the code that makes up the entire scope for the line in question.

Gonna have to see if I can get vim to do that.

You mean the background? Because otherwise I do have such a thing in Emacs, it is called Rainbow Delimiters.

Vim has something analogous, as “static” syntax coloring, but my vim is mouse-agnostic and thus can't react to mouse-overs.

It's an old css trick IIRC nested :hover rules

Cool! I went over something similar in an old blog post (https://joellord.dev/blog/posts/Build-a-Text-Editor-in-Lisp-...) only I did the C portion in Common Lisp too, using CFFI + Grovel.

Nice. Is there going to be a part 3 of your series?

I hope so. I have a part 3 and 4 written locally: I just need to find time to edit them.

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