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Pentagon Official Resigns over Belief China Has Won AI Battle (newsweek.com)
4 points by 1270018080 on Oct 12, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I think he's probably being a bit overdramatic here, but I do seriously struggle with the fact that the political reality in the US makes most tech workers oppose aiding the military; whereas this attitude is non-existent in mainland China.

> part of the reason the U.S. was behind in technology was the reluctance of large American companies like Google to work cooperatively with the government due to questions regarding ethics surrounding the use of AI.

Isn’t this moral vacuum exactly where palantir & friends step in

Does Palantir actually do anything AI related? I interviewed there and the impression I got was that they make a flashy frontend for analysis of data from disparate sources. Not sure where the perception that they are some AI powerhouse comes from.

I am not sure that I would label them as a powerhouse, but definitely power-hungry which probably fits this bill

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