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Netflix Bleeds Subscribers in US and Canada (arstechnica.com)
8 points by PaulHoule on July 21, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Personally I am finding all these services increasingly useless. Netflix has second-tier content mostly, and I now look at Netflix original content as a sign that something is not worth watching. As for Disney+ - a lot of it just feels like the same content rehashed over and over, particularly with Marvel. I feel like YouTube is just as fine a way to spend time. I've already cancelled some subscriptions, and am likely to get rid of others. We need better alternatives to the few big players. Hopefully this is the beginning of a broader reckoning and decentralization of where users spend time.

>Netflix remains by far the largest paid video streaming service, with 209 million subscribers, compared with 104 million for Disney Plus, its closest competitor.

Netflix is available in 190 Countries. Disney+ isn't even two years old has barely started to roll out in Asia due to all sort of licensing deals and agreement.

Oh and I still remember those Apple Apologist suggest Apple TV+ will crush Disney+.

All of that is excluding ESPN. Which is a much more complicated matter due to how sport live stream licensing works. Some day I will have to spend some time to read more about Bob Iger.

Not surprising. Their catalog is thin and mediocre, and they add new content at a slow drip. Their interface is torture. I would drop them if it weren’t for family pressure.

More whining from me: the way they present movies insults the films. They begin on their own, and the closing credits are mashed up with advertisements for other content.

Yeah, the article misses that point. Disney+ isn't just "a competitor", it's got better content.

It's all about content. I've unsubscribed from most of the major streaming services due to lack of content that I want to watch. Have fallen back into torrenting and collecting physical media again.

The only streaming services I'm subscribed to come for "free" via my mobile phone plan.

I've had better satisfaction with "Amazon Instant Video" where you can pay to buy or rent a movie to stream.

Personally I have a backlog of at least a year of movies, TV shows, and video games so the idea of scanning through the interface at a site like Netflix to find "something to watch" is foreign to me.

(An exception to that was I found that OTA Comet TV plays three episodes of "Quantum Leap" four nights a week and I "appointment view" much of it -- but "Quantum Leap" happens to cover terrain that I'm particularly interested in, the relationship of art and life. I could stream it or get it on DVD but I prefer lame ads with beta bearded males and personal injury lawyers over a nerfed soundtrack.)

HBOmax is #1 Disney is #2 Criterion is #3 Prime video #4 Netflix is #5

It's funny, Netflix hired an indie film veteran only to turn around and give a ton of money to a lot of shitty TV show creators to make more shitty network type TV shows.

Its the toothpaste aisle man. Never ending toothpaste. Just like HN.

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