"At the last YC dinner Joe Krauss talked about..."
Okay, that's just not fair. Paul Graham _AND_ Joe Kraus? That's like cheating. How much do I have to pay to have these dinners recorded and published on Google Video? I can't be alone in being willing to pay. (Yeah..I know this is one of the big features of YC so probably not willing to allow recording...*sigh*)
"Allen Morgan said that people have started forgetting that building a company takes at least 5 years."
That seems awfully long. If the goal is to sell the startup before it becomes "a company", won't the average time be quite shorter?
I think that's the point Allen is trying to make - if you're trying to build a sustainable company in its own right i.e. not looking to have Google acquire it, then it takes time. For example take Facebook - they have possibly the most viral product ever seen on the web and after two years they still don't know what their killer revenue stream is and neither have they IPO'ed. This stuff takes time!
haha "that's cheating".
interesting idea re the video though i think the best benefit from the speakers is being able to talk to them afterwards and ask questions/generally chat about what you're doing.