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Can we please put clear tags/markers for US-specific articles?

Not everybody is American.

Isn't it a clue that it's in the New York Times?

Better question: is it really a burden to have clicked on something not relevant to yourself? The mods are not the secretaries and filing and sorting team of HackerNews.

No. The article could discuss digital nomad lifestyle from many angles that are not US-specific.

Is the New York Times a newspaper that only publishes things relevant for Americans?

I wouldn't know, I'm not American.

It's an American media outlet, so being upset about seeing American-oriented news in an American media outlet seems confusing.

No one is upset.

Being able to know when the article looks like it is relevant to me, but is only specific to someone from X country would be useful IMO.

I feel more and more that it is necessary to add [In the US] for many of my internet readings.

It's an American Media outlet's article posted on an American website during prime American working hours. Unless you are Canadian you really have no place to complain...

Considering the topic is about being digital nomad, it is bit ironic that the article and you are both focusing on American centeric points of view.

Nytimes has an International Edition, there are versions in Spanish and Chinese, classifying it as an American website is perhaps a bit myopic.

Time zones have very little meaning if you are a digital nomad like me and I hope many others on this website, or work with multi geography teams as it increasingly common last 15 months.

The title is misleading to people like OP and me who wanted to learn something useful beyond tax woes (for Americans or others) when considering a digital nomad lifestyle. Yes it is important topic for Americans and had the author just mentioned a paragraph about that it would not be a problem, however the entire article is basically a puff piece for the tax consultants quoted and contains only talking points on why you really need such expertise.

So the concern should really be directed to the NYT editorial staff who writes the titles for their articles?

If HN was a pure aggregator and never changed the title I would agree that it should be directed at NYT.

HN also editorializes the content posted here, they do change titles here to reflect some of the values or ethics that this form embodies, so asking for the title changed to better reflect the content is a fair ask.

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