I was just reading a comment thread here on HN about how many people have fond memories of their time spent on MMOs.
A recurring theme of this particular thread was that MMOs have changed nowadays, and have lost their “cosy” appeal. Here I was thinking I just got older and had less time.
All things considered, what kind of MMO would you consider spending time in? Are the reasons social, or to do with gameplay?
I also enjoyed the combat and style of WildStar.
I am always more pve oriented, but i really liked Planetside 2 when it first was released, now they have simplified it too much, probably due to a lack of players...
And eve online always lingers in a «I really want to get back into that but i already have one full time job now» territory.
Edit: I guess I would love something that whould have all of that, but that would be waaaay to unrealistic. But, if something could re-create the magick of clearing nax the first time with your guildies then i would be happy.
So to boil it down; something that promotes cooperation and community i guess?