Our only recourse at this point are very strict laws that require all devices that do this to periodically and very explicitly state they are doing so, also providing the option to turn the 'feature' off.
The important part then is that failure to comply needs to result in personal liability for retailers, distributors and manufacturers.
That second part is the one that will probably never come true but it is the only thing that would bring any sort of meaningful change.
I disagree... can you honestly tell me that you absolutely require to have an Amazon device? Or a smart TV?
I can understand if they were putting microphones into the electrical sockets when your house was being built... you need to have electricity.
The solution is don't fucking buy the items... when they see a drop in sales, even a few percent, they'll take notice. Or, god forbid, get your old TV repaired!
Mandating that the government steps in is crazy... we're talking about governments that are paid, openly, by lobbyists from these organisations.
Repair is not always possible.. Consider a TV with a shattered panel. You'll have to depend on the manufacturer to make this party available, which usually they won't because they'd much rather sell you a new one.
I don't think there's anything wrong with government regulations. Yes they listen to lobbies too much but it's a different issue that should also be addressed.
Amazon Sidewalk has a huge radius, so many people's neighbors likely have these devices. So if _any_ of your devices talk to them, you have no control even if you don't have an amazon device.
I own amazon devices (none that have sidewalk) but if my neighbors came to me and told me to remove them for their privacy. I'd probably laugh them to the door. I live in a building with 500 units, and its almost 100% chance that i'm within sidewalk range (I also live near to the alexa office in seattle so there's that too).
Point is: You can't control your neighbors.
Not everyone can afford to or wants to move to the middle of no where such that their neighbors are out of radio distance.
Your comment is less facetious when you realize how many people (including tech-savvy ones like Zuckerberg) put a piece of tape over their laptop cameras. Yet, the industry doesn't care.
I figure that this scenario is all but inevitable at this point. Most people just don't care -- and those that do can go live in Faraday cages like weirdos.