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Facebook’s Zuckerberg Is Now Richer Than The Google Guys (blogs.forbes.com)
24 points by NonEUCitizen on June 29, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

but the Google guys invented a search engine that changed the world through the web and easier access to information (to both technical and non-technical people), unlocking it's potential and opening new path's. When people say that Facebook changed the world and made it a better place, they don't remember/know how it was like before Google (and Gnome 1.4).

ps.: i don't want to take credit off Facebook(c) or any other search engine (for example, Altavista worked for me and a lot more people) but it's also the result of a lot of hard work and marketing

richer in terms of the stock they own based on crazy valuations.

If I understand this article correctly, I think it's pretty crazy how an investment of less than $7 million has caused FB's valuation to go up 20billion.

It hasn't. You've just read an appallingly naive extrapolation in lieu of an actual valuation. I'd expect better of Forbes, frankly.

The only news here that isn't useless conjecture is that GSVC bought 225k shares @ $29.28.

Go Bayesian. Update your expectation based on Forbes's long term performance, not their financy sounding name

Forbes is the People Magazine of the business world.

Yup, but that's how the maths works out. Although FB also seems to be valued at $70b on SecondMarket too.

Yeah, he is paper rich.

That's it! Eureka! What all this silly pundits fail to do and realize is that the valuation for these companies isn't, and shouldn't be calculated with, simple math!

If I purchase 1% of a company for $1,000,000 the simple math valuation (according to my opinion and what I paid) is a company valuation of $100,000,000. Except, people are paying PREMIUMS for these stocks. A premium is an amount above and beyond the actual value of the item. What's the premium value? We don't know?! The media and pundits need to stop using simple math and shouting about it. But they won't, because PR teams are behind it and it makes headlines!

I would argue that regardless of who is dubbed 'richer', google and those who made it are still worth way more. Zuckerburg is a one trick pony, with nothing but facebook to keep him afloat. And now that google has started attacking that, I'm sure that a good share of their market is going to be lost;

So long as the Google guys maintain their % ownership of Google, one way or another they will become the richest men in the world.

Buying GOOG.

>A Forbes contributor, David Martin, penned an interesting piece on how the social networking site’s users are aging, and how it’s generally losing its cool.

>For now, though, it certainly hasn’t lost its lustre in the eyes of investors.

These statements are not at odds with one another. Old people, generally speaking, have more money to spend and they spend it less judiciously; consequently it makes sense for Facebook to target old people.

not for much longer.

I honestly don't care

And still a cunt.

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