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The New Silicon Valley Douchebag (techcrunch.com)
32 points by ardit33 on June 17, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I wish articles on HN showed author, like:

The New Silicon Valley Douchebag (Sarah Lacy @ techcrunch.com) ______________________________________________________

That way I'd know not to click 90% of TC articles. I hate giving them page views for crappy/link bait articles.

I'll be sure to walk into the Creamery and start talking about how my company will make (hundreds of) billions of dollars when Sarah Lacy is there. It'll be a fun hobby and retribution for having clicked on this linkbait.

Wow, an incredibly vapid piece by techcrunch. I didn't learn much and it seems to play on your feelings more than anything else. It reminds me why I dislike techcrunch...

All complex ecosystems have parasites, and success breeds imitators. No news here.

All complex ecosystems have parasites

Come on, give her some credit: at least she linked to an amusing video.

Didn't you notice? The piece was to promote the video. (Which you watched. So, yes, credit is due.)

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