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Can we try a demo app somewhere, without having to build it ourselves? I'd like to see how you handle user-visible concerns such as accessibility.

Hey, we have a demo app deployed here: https://wasp-rwa.netlify.app/ , and you can see its source code here https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/tree/master/examples/realw... .

Wasp is still in alpha so many things are rough or not there, including accessibility, but we do plan to handle it in the future! Here is relevant github issue: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/126 .

I'm happy that you already had an issue open for accessibility. Thanks!

This demo app isn't bad. The biggest problem I've found so far is that a screen reader user doesn't hear anything when a client-side page load happens. This is a common problem with SPAs, and there isn't a great solution for it. The best you can do right now is use an off-screen ARIA live region to announce something like "navigated to [page name]". Sometime though I'd like to work with the web standards community to standardize a better solution.

I have to admit with shame I know sparingly little about the accessibility when building web apps, but with Wasp we think it could be a really valuable feature to offer - guaranteed best accessibility practices - it should be integral part of Wasp.

Why doesn't screen reader detect it -> because URL does not change? What if SPA updates URL via history API, does that help? off-screen ARIA region sounds like something we could generate with Wasp automatically.

Once we reach some level of stability, we plan to put more effort into accessibility -> if you wish, write a comment on our GH issue and we will be happy to include you in the effort when we work on it, help from somebody experienced with accessibility would be great.

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