Why would they focus on that? We do not even know if it is true, although it does seem to be. I think that media should focus on is the truth #1.5, which is that lots of people end up having long term weird complications, medically not serious, but significantly lowering QOL, such as permuted sense of smell when your favorite food smells like a wet rag , and you coffee like gasoline. Or hair loss, like it happened to Alyssa Milano.
> I think that media should focus on is the truth #1.5, which is that lots of people end up having long term weird complications
I disagree with the phrasing "lots of". Anecdotally, none of the 20 or so people I know who've gotten COVID and lost their taste/smell didn't recover their taste/smell within 2-7 days. The percentage of people who don't recover taste/smell seem to be an extremely tiny minority. Using the term "lots of" implies it is commonplace and is extremely disingenuous unless you have some data to justify that level of frequency.
The very fact you heard about it already means it is not that rare. I hear/read about it many forums, I personally know someone who suffers mild case of long Covid. It is extremely disingenuous arrogantly paint everyone as morons, who really cannot assess the level of danger around us. People like you, most probably young and healthy, have no skin in the game, no appropriate education, who most probably indeed will have no consequences, are trying to tell everyone to be not afraid about the consequences, confirmed by publications in medical magazines. I mean are serious?