As someone with an inherited ocular disease, I'd like to know what diet and lifestyle changes you think I could make that could restore my cone function.
That's not a question I can answer. I don't know what the genetic pathway is, nor how it operates.
It is a question I wish science had some answers for.
Though based on firsthand experience I will say that prevention of loss of ability is generally a more realistic and achievable goal than restoring lost ability.
If you want to know what foods have been helpful to me, personally, in dealing with a different genetic disorder, I could answer that question to some degree. Though I generally dislike trying to do so in a comment on a forum, in part because it's something I have been working on for nearly twenty years, so an off-the-cuff comment generally isn't going to be an adequate explanation.
I'm fortunate in that my condition is not degenerative. So further loss of ability is not a risk, at least not above what generally occurs as a result of ageing.
But no diet or exercise is ever going to restore ability that was never there.