I wonder how long can Telegram owner Paul Durov keep financing telegram. It seems to be huge now (at least one some countries), ships new features very regularly and must cost a lot to host.
They don't have ads. I guess TON was a way to make telegram financially independant but now that it's over, I wonder how they will keep going.
I hope they can manage to keep telegram running because it's a fine app. Much faster than WhatsApp and others, nicer UX, first class desktop apps, integrations are really easy with bots..
They don't have ads. I guess TON was a way to make telegram financially independant but now that it's over, I wonder how they will keep going.
I hope they can manage to keep telegram running because it's a fine app. Much faster than WhatsApp and others, nicer UX, first class desktop apps, integrations are really easy with bots..