vscode has entirely replaced any ssh+tmux+vim I’d do. I can download or even preview remote files, share my session with coworkers, and their onboarding is amazing. You can use the editor from the very first second productively, and get constant reminders of the shortcuts.
vscode completely fixed all the things that annoyed me when working with remote machines.
I've been extremely impressed by remote development. I'm now using a remote VM as my primary development machine, and it required basically zero fuss to get it working. Once I got the dev repository to run on the remote machine, everything else "just worked." My only complaint is that I cannot use remote containers from within a remote SSH session. All our apps are containerized, so I would like to "open folder in container" on the remote machine (in order to get full intellisense); but I cannot figure out how to do this (I've tried SSH forwarding the docker socket). It's not a deal breaker for me though. I work around it by installing the libraries on the host as well, to get decent code completion.
It has been HUGE for productivity to move to remote development. Our stack takes up ~6gb of RAM and can involve 20+ containers running simultaneously, each with bind mounted source code. This was a real drag to be running on my 2013 Macbook Air (many problems with Docker for Mac and bind mounts that cause high CPU usage), and it seriously affected my productivity. It's amazing to have the stack always running remotely so I can context switch into it immediately after opening my laptop. And my laptop doesn't sound like a jumbo jet taking off anymore, either.
Quick question. I develop with VMs a lot and use vagrant to set up an sshfs share from my local repo mounted within the VM as shared drive. This sort of does the job, but it's a bit spotty, sometimes I can save my code, and then build the source, but sshfs has been to slow and I end up building without the freshly saved changes. Is there a better way of doing thus native to vscode?
vscode completely fixed all the things that annoyed me when working with remote machines.
Great to see another update!