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Adding some information for those interested in more precise numbers.

This paper [1] has the recommended exposure time for a few cities in Australia. If you live in the same latitude, as long you live in the same latitude, this can be used as a guideline.


I haven't kept up with the Ozone Hole lately, but I believe it's not uniformly distributed so keep that in mind too if it's still a problem. I'm pretty sure it was usually more of a problem in Australia than South America for example.

I couldn't believe it the first time I went to Singapore, in 35C heat all day in the sun at a theme park, and didn't even get a minor blush on my pale skin due to the humidity and latitude. Definitely eye opening coming from NSW, Australia.

That's a really interesting link.

From the table there, for example, in Townsville in summer, with 11% of your body exposed, it takes just 6 minutes to synthesis 1000 IU of vitamin D.

A fair-skinned female friend who studied at James Cook University used to complain she got sunburnt walking between classes... So DWG, if you read this, apologies for telling you off for exaggerating!

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