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Add volcanoes to climate change outcomes

No, this is a surface phenomenon. No amount of rain is going to determine weather a seafloor volcano forms or is active.

Well... with sea level rise, and changing pressure due to ice sheets melting (crust rebound), I would expect seismic and volcanic activity. Probably more of a polar thing, though?

There is some pretty strong evidence that mid-ocean ridge volcanism is modulated by sea level change (no bearing on hot spot volcanism like HI). I read some papers on it a few years ago. Here's a recent one I haven't read yet: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116121

Who said anything about seafloor?

Kilauea is in Hawaii right? Those islands are all sea floor volcanos that reached the surface.

And with changing weather patterns and more evaporation I'd expect more rain in some places, probably around some volcanoes too.

Sure, but it is now above the sea floor, and thus reachable by rain. As the article indicates.

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