I love this site. On mobile, its such a pleasant experience to use it. It's clear what the site is about and where to get what you want. From the fonts to the padding, everything seems to fit. A great case study in form + function.
Awesome! I'll have to share these with some friends who have kiddos at home right now.
I've been doing something similar at http://colorthisthing.com. Skipped today for a day off, but I've been posting one everyday since I started. Fun way to keep my brain occupied since most of my other artistic outlets are shut down right now.
Thanks for sharing this. I browsed a few posts and liked it. I thought it’d be nicer to have an archive page that shows all your creations (with clear thumbnails and links to download). It doesn’t have to be infinite scrolling. It could be a page with 20 posts each or so.
Another good source is Color Our Collections, where 100+ museums dig into their archives to find things that make for good coloring: http://library.nyam.org/colorourcollections/
been colouring with crayons a lot more since quarantine, daughter loves it, so I'm happy. And just one 'wall/crayon' incident... took me a good 20 minutes of cleaning :)
bought 500 sheets of A3, people luckily not buying that yet to wipe their asses :)
I find melamine foam, like Mr Clean magic erasers, makes removing assorted drawing implements from walls a lot easier. It'll even remove pen and pencil. I add a little soap and just scrub away, rinsing frequently.
You have to be careful because it's an abrasive and some wall surfaces might not like it. It seems fine on the paints I've cleaned, though.
To save parsing the links, that's "hacker", "slug", "bed", and "teleport", all of which have perfectly reasonable hits.
I literally can't think of a halfway plausible coloring page that isn't covered that way. (Kinda thought I'd win that on "teleport", but... yeah, nope. Slim pickings at one result, sure, but that's still one reasonable result!)
Of course, you're pretty much writing off copyright laws in the process. How much that bothers you is up to you.
I've worked on this a bit! It turns out to be quite difficult (at least it was for me)
One of the big problems is that GANs can't generate files at a high enough resolution to make great coloring pages.
I then tried to make a neural network that would generate SVGs directly, which turns out to be really tricky too.
One thing that might work is to generate low resolution pages with a GAN, and then use an image to svg converter to make high resolution versions... maybe I'll try that next :)
I don't know of an exact theme, but I think you would be able to get a similar effect by using a standard landing page theme and tweaking the fonts / colors a little. Use a round typeface, double the font size, and choose vibrant colors.
Yup, I think just bumping up the font size alone makes a huge difference, along with increasing the line height and margins. I know some people dislike this trend but I quite like it. Panic uses a similar style for the Playdate website[1].
I don't know the link, or it is even still up, but I met a woman back in '01 that put together a coloring book site, internationalized it, and was receiving $4K a week in Google advertising revenues. She had sections for 80+ countries international holiday, a often a few of whomever was their country's founding people. When I last saw her, she was hip hop style covered in gold.
Have you read "I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59" ?
Apparently in the early days of Google Ads, some clever people made large sums of money. Some were scammers, but many were just very clever opportunists who found a way. Sound like this woman figured it out!
Happy to see work by Mackenzie Child. His design for developers course was really helpful when I was trying to build a webpage from scratch with just an engineering background.
I am interested in the story of how is personal name or brand is same as MacKenzie-Childs, a home decor brand popular in my hometown Upstate NY. Their items often have a white-black checkers : https://www.mackenzie-childs.com/
I have no relation to that company. Just unfortunate to share a name lol (I've struggle with getting my stuff on Google for years because of them though ).
I think Mackenzie-Childs is two people, Mackenzie + Childs that formed that company. Not sure if my parents knew about the company or not when they named me lol
Thank for you for the response. I apologize for asking the obvious question, you must get that alot. If it helps, my lovely godmother decked out her living room and kitchen in Mackenzie-Childs (teapots, tables, napkins), so I have positive design associations.
There is another software engineer in CA with same (unique) first and last name as I. Fortunately he's career-successful, so I'll survive if SEO confusion occurs. He accepted my Linked-In connection.
It's not working for me. I click the A4 PDF on the Monster Mash page and it takes me to a fullscreen Dopplr ad that I can't do anything on other than sign up for Dopplr.
It's still taking me to the ad. I can click the X on mobile and see the PDF, but I doubt the issue has been fixed on the desktop, where I was seeing it before.
Stupid question - if I wanted to import those into an iPad app and colour them there(using an Apple Pencil or similar) - what would be the best way to do that?
I just tried it with Procreate - the files are PDFs, so they can't be brought into procreate like that, so I had to download on my desktop, convert the PDF to an image, then transfer it to the ipad and insert it into Procreate that way.
You’re claiming you printed these out, colored them in with crayons, enjoyed the experience, and at no point questioned whether you were infantilizing yourself?
As someone trying to get back into art, I've been considering using coloring books for shading practice - so I'm not constantly distracted by wanting to correct my own "bad" proportions, as I would be with my own linework. Granted, I'm more interested in the Call of Cthulhu coloring book linked elsewhere in the comments section, and I'd use different materials, but if you've got crayons - why not! More talented artists might amuse themselves with corrupting the original linework first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiCx1BIRQWc
Infantilizing adults can cause serious harm when it undermines their independence, or their ability to take on the burdens and responsibilities of adulthood. However, I'm hard pressed to see any harm in an adult enjoying a coloring book, especially when used as an opportunity to bond with the children they're raising or teaching. The original poster comes across as someone proudly exclaiming "Those are baby toys, I don't play with baby toys!" - a phrase and attitude I've heard almost exclusively from actual children - just dressed up in fancier words. I think it is far more infantile than a coloring book. Some of us are secure enough in our adulthood to indulge in harmless childishness from time to time. You can't stop us. Phhbbbbbt!! (Care to join us?)
Of all the different art supplies I've used, I think I like pastels and colored pencils the most. Painting is fun but usually involves more setup than I give myself time for.
I think you have a hangup on being 'adultlike' versus 'kidlike'.
No, I see even fingerpainting as a good diversion if the circumstances are right.
Lighten up and don't get so stuck on "once I'm an adult, <list of things> are forbidden to me".